Tuesday, May 29, 2018

If McDonald's was like Facebook

If McDonald's was like Facebook …
Warning: this is a parody

If McDonald's was like Facebook then the food and drinks would be free, as would be the parking. It’s easy! All you have to do is register an email account with us.[i]

Come to our restaurant, and enjoy a wholesome meal in the company of good friends and great ambience, at no cost at all. What could possibly go wrong? Absolutely nothing.[ii]

When you first drive into McDonald’s the friendly security camera records the make, model, year and registration number of your vehicle, for security reasons. It also runs a background check for stolen vehicles, at no cost to yourself, and for your safety![iii]

As you enter our restaurant the friendly security camera records your face and correlates it to your name; the names and faces of your party when introduced to our host are recorded, too.[iv] We like to remember our friends and this improves our service to you.

You’re taken to your preferred seating area.[v] Sensors in the chair seat and back identify your weight and movement contingent on your eating posture, and reaction to conversations.[vi] [vii] We do this to ensure our seats and ambiance are optimized for your dining experience.

You order your food electronically via the standing tablet on the table, or via the tablet that serves as your placemat. If you like the personal touch you can call for a waiter, and even compliment the chef! The placemat tablets are great - while you eat you can access your emails, call friends on Skype, have a group chat on the proprietary McGroupChat© software, and even watch movie previews.[viii]

Then to enjoy your meal. Choosing a dessert or rather sip a cup of joe? Order via the tablet. At the end of your meal, and for a McVoucher© that gets you 10% off your next Amazon purchase there might be a small questionnaire about your eating experience and lifestyle.[ix] This helps us fine-tune our service to you.

You get up to leave. Some of your party might head to the bathroom first. The tablet above the urinal and the cubicle door shows current events and movie clips.[x] Your full dining experience is important to us, which includes freshening up.

For regulars to McDonald’s who bring large groups of friends, better menu options are provided.[xi] This is our way of offering a sincere Thank You for your patronage.

Thank you for visiting McDonald’s. Please come again. We are now open 24/7 and committed to service excellence and exceeding your every need.[xii]

The all-new McDonald’s, where every meal is free.[xiii]


[i] Some minor personal details are also required. The T&Cs are in very fine print, so it’s best just to accept them.

[ii] Personal data is entered into complicated McAlgorithms© that compile your personality, demographics, values and financial status into a Personal Data Portfolio (PDP). This is sold, and sold again, to various advertising brokers and advertisers while you eat, who, in turn generate ads directly applicable to you while you eat. These ads are shown on the tablet placemats, the bathroom tablets and also sent to your Inbox.

[iii] Before you enter the restaurant, vehicle adjusters and resellers in your area have already purchased your information. This information is used in generating ads directly applicable to you while you eat.

[iv] Associated faces and names are used to compile new PDPs, which translates to new sales.

[v] Table location and seating arrangements update the Personality chapter of your PDP.

[vi] Age/ weight anomalies are established and this is sold to dieticians, health gurus and hemorrhoid cream sellers within minutes of you sitting down, and personalized ads directly applicable to you follow a minute after that.

[vii] Ha-ha, you thought your data, I mean, conversation was not monitored for content. It’s mere research about our menu, and maybe some personality dynamics, nothing malicious. Absolutely nothing malicious.

[viii] The placemat tablets also play ads directly applicable to you. As your meal progresses and more info is learned about you the ads change. Example, depending on your choice of food the PDP determines if you’re angsty about everything you eat, drink and breathe, and accordingly friendly ads from dieticians and even insurance companies are presented. If you’re indulgent in your eating choices, friendly ads are shown complementing your irresponsible lifestyle.

[ix] Amazon purchases a large portion of your PDP information; they already know what you want. Expect a friendly ad in your Inbox when you reach home.

[x] Good health is important, and your personal waste products show how good your health is. Sensors in the urinal and toilet bowl analyze your waste products and rate your health. Expect directly applicable ads for products like Maalox, Mylanta, Gout Go, Dulcolax, Senokot, and, of course, the local drug rehab clinic specializing in your particular little bad habit.

[xi] New faces equate to new PDPs which equate to new sales. Large groups also have a longer mealtime, which equates to more ads. With groups of 14 or more we break-even on costs after 27 minutes; the longer you stay, the more profitable for us.

[xii] As you leave, your meal-time duration is updated to your existing PDP, and this information is kept, forever. Name, face, height, weight, vehicle; cultural level, diet preferences, educational level, financial risk, general demographics, health risk, insurance viability, marketing potential, personality assessment, religious orientation, voice print, and it’s all for sale.

[xiii] We proudly call this the McTanstaafl© principle.