Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Soldier

In a time of war

A political agenda sweeps the nation;
A mandate to the military
An instruction to the soldier,
His deep commitment to the conflagration.

He prepares with well-trained competence
He awaits his prey;
Pulls the trigger
With expected, but fatal consequence.

The enemy reacts to hostile strife
With equal measure.
Reciprocated death celebrates;
Both sides committed to a better life.

In a time of peace

The heroes return to mass celebration,
A nagging conscience,
Troubled introspection.
A lonely journey of forced legitimation.

The unborn child in the womb of his wife:
The personification of love.
One thing certain in this world:
Ten thousands have died for this better life.

There are truths beyond teleology:
The child is father of the man,
Love justifies sacrifice,
The soldier is fodder to ideology.

- Mark van Vuuren

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